Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Character Design

at the beginning of this character design i felt rather lost my song (Wiley Avalanche) was a lively, playful song with lots of layers. so at the start i just created marks and shapes that i felt like went with the song and made them into characters.

I kept wanting to use orange for these characters i don't have synesthesia but i did feel like orange went well or other bright playful colours. i liked the lines with the feet and i especially think this one would be a lively animation i can imagine the lines bouncing all over.

i kept thinkning of this idea of a person or thing with long extending arms would really fit the song i was trying to get ideas of how i wanted the character to move first to  help me create a character. I think this worked in some ways but i focused a lot on a particular thing which means that a lot of my characters weren't as good as i wanted them to be for example this would of been a good opportunity to really play with line work.

I tired playing around wtih different arms and lines through different media to develop a character with long arms.

the song was very noisy but i guess that's what you would expect from a hard grime beat but it sounded like a kitchen falling down some stairs which is why i thought of something like a bear with kitchen pans would be an idea with humour and fun.

This guy is angry wasn't really sure how i wanted him to move either maybe something to do with his trunk. Also again with the orange...

jaffa cake rappers make great filters on drawings that is something i took from this character design. Overall though a very dull character.

This guy almost animates himself there's lots going on in this which i do like cause it fits the song very well the gif would probably be him falling down stairs forever.

I do think a worm would make a lovely animation for this song maybe him digesting himself. i do think the song brings out stressful vibes for the character. It's lively an playful but it also sounds like a car crash of a song.

I do like this guys expression, i enjoy using paper cut outs defiantly a fun way of creating the character i could also see this in 3d as maybe a painted potato.

This guy is very cheeky dry ink with wet ink would look interesting animated especially hand drawn as it will make it very lively.

I did keep thinking that a robot character would also fit this song well maybe one that keeps falling apart.

Jus like the man with long extending arms i felt like a bird with a extending neck would also be an interesting animation for the song.

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Overall none of these characters instantly worked for me i found potential in some but i haven't really fallen in love with any of them i think some i will develop and see if there is any potential for my gif as there are ideas here just want one that works well.