Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Studio Brief 2: Individual practice

I chose to work within adult publishing as i wanted to do something a little explicit with this project for example an adult style kids book. i initially decided to do an Anti - joke book but decided that writing the jokes was taking over the illustrations. I was fixated on drawing a dead dog like this one below. Therefore, i thought it would be beneficial for me to transform my project into something based around all these dead dog drawings. Which is how i acquired my idea for a book of roadkill.
 It was hard for me to realise how i wanted to present this as a book as i wanted it to be violent without being so disgusting it no longer became funny. Therefore, i orginally thought to make it informative like an observers guide.
From my early sketches this is the direction i was going for however, once i developed them i realised i would find it easier if i just had a book of cars of dead animals.

From my experimentation and research of this project I have found effective ways of paper cut and adding texture to it.

Here is an example of it.
The process started with the cars. I found it a really effective way to create a detailed car as most paper cut cars looked the same once put together. Adding pencil crayon helped me add the details and texture to create specific kinds of cars.

I then used this method for the animals and felt less satisfied. I think more development on the animals may of ended up with better results. However my early sketches really helped me chose the level of gore of my book.
Once i started doing the experimental animals with pencil crayon the gore of it was decreasing. Probably down to the crayon on the paper cut looked very cute.
Therefore . i went back to my old sketches i realised i found it funniest when the animals where completely splattered.
This made me get out the red gouache cut up all my animals i had made and it instantly increased the image into a more disgusting but stronger image.

For my other pieces i tried to think of humorous promotional gifts to apply my drawings with.
I had ideas such as cooking untensils or a raodkill salt and pepper shaker to push the element of cooking with roadkill.
However, in the end i decided to make car accessories such as an air freshener and bumper sticker.

 I think I developed my paper cut skills within this project and i will enjoy using this method for any other detailed images in the future.
Overall, i like the book produced However, I don't see this as a finsihed project as i still think it could be much better and might take this on personally in my own time to get a book like this together as the naive violent images have a dark humour to them that i like.

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