Saturday, 21 January 2017

Book Development and noise drawings

This is the development stage leading up to my final book.
While doing all my research i decided how hard it was to find silence, so i decided to just keep concentrating on noises. I liked to imagine certain noisey things without noise.
I found that it was helpful for me to do this by writing down the noises.
This was also a really fun thing to do because i think a noise becomes really silly when put into words.
These are a couple of crayon landscapes i did of Leeds. Both are done during quiet times so there where not many people around however these could be used to add noise and potentially people. Acetate would be an effective way of adding this in as it looks relatively quiet but if i added the noises aspects and words to it then the image would be completely different.

You can't get more irritating the the dingdingdingding of an alarm clock
this is an especially terrible noise as we usually relate it with getting out of bed.
I did this with paints on coloured paper and i do like the bright bold colours.
The yellow bits would be the addition to the drawing as before it just looks like a clock
but when you add the dingdingdingding and the wavy yellow lines it becomes more noisy as a picture.
Dog barks don't usually irritate me as i do like dogs but i get woken up so many times
from dogs having barking arguments so i wouldn't say it's a pleasant noise.
this is similar to the clock in a sense as before the word and the lines it's just a dog
but when you add the word WOOF it becomes a dog barking. 

roads = very noisy

babies are horrendously loud! this would be a good addition to my book
i could potentially add a sheet of acetate with a different mouth to change the babies expression.
i might possibly try that and play around with the potential of adding emphasis on noise.

These are 2 tree surgeons with the noise of dying trees. I do enjoy the dry ink on this image
i think media is going to be very important in this maybe keeping the drawings black and white might make the text stand out a lot more like on this image which is very important as the noise words are the main focus.

Here are 2 options for a live band i like the busyness of the jazz band.
I think the subtle colour of the instruments are nice maybe this would work well for the final book?

I do quite like dripping noises but i think if i had to listen to it for non stop i would go insane
perhaps i could add the water in with acetate so it transforms from a quite gentle sink to
a loud tip, tip, blobbing dink with plenty of water.

I walk past a few building sites daily they always interest me but the noises are horrific
there are so many noises going on at one time it's hard to concentrate on what's the most annyoing,
I guess that's why they all wear headphones.
Maybe that's something i can add over the top as they won't need them until it becomes loud
i think emphasis on the noise on the power tools could also be effective.

Pool noises are usually just many splashes and kids screaming but i think it can be
a very quite sight when it's empty so i could potentially add the person over the top so you could take away the
focus of the noise.

I really liked the orange on the black coloured paper  could maybe work to help bring
out the text and the noises.  

I do really enjoy the small bit of colour on this.
Addition to this noisy eating is one of the worst noises by far.

This is a gouache painting of a washing machine.
I really enjoyed using gouache on this and think it gives it a playful look
it also is good for tonal images.
On top of this i think the yellow text is a wise choice as it contrasts well from the blue.

This is one i did with an overlayed sheet of acetate i added the blue text but was thinkning that i should
aslo add the people on top so it transforms from a quiet city landscape to a really busy image bursting with sounds and actions. 

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