Sunday, 22 January 2017

Final Pages For My Picture Book

 Here they are.... my final pages but combined together!!
These are both the drawings and the acetate overlapped so basically the noisy images.  
I got this idea for my book from a chat with my dad we were discussing all my research so far and he mentioned what it would be like if i imagined all the places i have been to without noise.
The idea of absence of noise really interested me as it was a whole new way of looking at silence.
This got me imagining even more unusual situations without noises.
However, when it came to drawing situations without noises i became extremely stuck i found it very easy to draw noises as i focused it a few times in my research. But it's hard to create something that doesn't exist.
So i thought if i drew out the noises maybe there is a way of getting rid of it. 
I began to draw loads of drawings of situations that are particularly noisy to me which then gave me the idea of getting rid of the noise by removing the acetate away to reveal a much more silent image.
This was an original idea i had of an empty sink with no cause for any noise, however, when you turn over the acetate it fills up with water and drips and plops just like a real sink would.
Pools with no one in are especially silent. Therefore i added a layer of ink with someone splashing in to help visualise the noise of a busy pool.
I did this pool in crayon which i think works well with a layer of ink.
most my layers where done with ink as this translated well on acetate.  

I think this one worked better than some as without the acetate the origianl layer does have a very silent asthetic to it.
However all that goes down the train when the wind picks up and blows this poor dog walker away.
I focused on a lot of these to make the text seem as lively as the image so for example on this i curved the o's to give the element of the word being blown around along with the people.
I think there would of been an even better way of showing this but i think there is still an element of that just much more subtle.

I did a lot of the base images in crayon as i found this as a quick way of making a fun image.
I didn't want any of the images to be too detailed as i think the playfulness and child like drawings helped translate the idea of silence in a fun way.

This is one of the inside pages I didn't want any of these to be iamges as they are usually left blank but i think adding the words from around my book to form a big sound board is an easy pattern to fill these pages.
I did something very similar to this in YSP for my research (which was a big starting point for this book).

The jazz band was one of the hardest ones to line up. This image also doesn't make a lot of sense without acetate
but i think this adds a slight element of humour cause that's what the image would look like if they didn't have the items that make the noise which leaves the people looking fairly stupid.

Here is a simple one of a dog not much changes in the layers here. Although i thnk the "arf arf" adds a lot more personality to the dog as it gives it a voice. Every time i look at this with the word i have my own particular voice for this dog.

The composition of this drawing isn't something i have done before i usually form my drawings in a way that make sense.
Although i really enjoyed just combining the elements of something into a drawing without a realistic composition as it gives you more potential to focus on particular characters and parts of a scene.

I enjoyed making a lot of images on here that don't really make too much sense i think it adds a lot more fun to the book.
Throughout these pages they have all been done with Crayola crayons and ink. I decided this from having peer reviews. This pages is a representation of using both. I think the crayons gave some very nice textures to my book and it's a good way to overlay colours which i thought would be effective especially if i'm printing on acetate. 

This is one of some busy chefs i got one of the drawings from my sketch book which prompted the idea for this (it's the one with the cut out fruits) i think the paper cut out fruits is a nice addition and brings bold colours to the dull colours of the chefs. 

I liked the idea of the alarm clock as i knew it would be an easy one that changes.
I did this image purely with crayons which does make it child like but i think this is a pretty fun aspect of it

This one was one of the ones that i think represented my idea effectively. i am worried that the closed eyes of the babies will ruin the acetate eyes i am also worried about the placement of this on acetate  as if it's not lined well it won't work.

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