Saturday, 13 January 2018

Study Task 3


I received his book "people" as a birthday gift one year and i have always been interested in the printing style of this book.

The shapes, colours and textures are all enhanced through the process of printing. all the shapes are smooth and bold, like blocks of colour moulded into different shapes to make up a person. some of it has subtle over lapping too to add a darker tone for shades and outlines. this is a technique which i think would be useful in my process. Most of these prints range between 3 to 4 colours which helps me look at effective ways to limit my colours.

May 68 students 

Mai 68 is something i am studying for cop after finding loads of re prints of the posters. I would say my work has taken a big influence to this after being introduced to it. The immediacy and simpleness behind them are a good example of printing being able to spread a message fast on a large scale. It's made me focus a lot more on printing bold shapes and thinking about an effective lay out for my images which are definitely present within these prints.

Nathaniel Russel   

Nathaniel Russel uses wood cut techniques in his work. Although this a form of printing i don't think i will have the chance to try within this brief seeing these positive propaganda posters really inspire me to try it. Bold shapes in woodcut are hard to do this therefore adds interesting textures to the prints. The playfulness of all of these prints make wood cut seem like a good development step as i am use to see wood cuts in a very detailed form but in a child like way they can look very fun.

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