Sunday, 14 January 2018

Study Task 4!

Max Litvinov

One element that really stands out to me with Max's animations is how he twists the shapes and dimensions of his drawings to give it a fun, classic cartoon effect. in an interview he mentions
“I spend hours and hours adjusting geometry of each frame to make the movement look as interesting and alluring as possible. While actually enjoying this process.” This inspires me to be playful with the after effects process and expect it eventually look different to the outcome that i am imaging. 

Tessa Chong and Lee Arkapaw

This animation is wonderfully crafted it moves about as one changing frame with constant transitions into the next scenes. This is something that is very capable on after effects and might be an interesting development for my sting transitioning between different "Meaning of Liff" words.

Frances Haszard

Frances' constant moving animation adds so much liveliness to each drawing. The bold bright shapes wobble, warp and dissolve. the images all look like they are built up of layers that subtly alter the colours of the images to which adds an interesting effect to the colours of the animation. This makes me want to be very playful with my layers and maybe change the opacity and movement to alter the drawing.

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