Saturday, 11 March 2017

FInal GIfs

This is my final gif for the hand drawn one it took about 30 frames. There was a lot to work out with this gif as i needed to make the car hitting it smooth i originally did way too many frames for it which made it look slow and out of place however i realised cutting out them frames made the car bash into the bird way faster making it look a lot more realistic.
I think the action of this gif fits well with the song i kept imaging a car as a character but i think it works better as a object to a character. I also wanted to portray the characters doziness within the gif. I think this worked in a way with it's low reaction speed to the car. it was all done with ink and i think this is the one i am most proud of out of all of them. 

The 3d one i found a challenge i made a model out of polystyrene and covered it in paper strips but once i made the model i had no idea what i wanted to do with it. I thought a easy way to animate it would be to move a background behind it while making it shake like it's walking. Elements of this work however i think it could be done a lot smoother as it is a bit jittery. This gif would look a lot better if it flowed from the start to the end so it looks like it's moving constantly through the clouds however there is an element of stop and start here. 

I have never worked digital before and i did find it particularly hard but i think this gif didn't turn out too bad the fireworks where relatively easy to animate and the bird took longer but i think it works out. I would of probably put in a few more frames of the bird to make it more obvious maybe of it opening it's mouth, but overall, i enjoyed using a digital format for this and i think it's something i would try again even if it was a little uncomfortable.

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