Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Giorgio Moroder research responses

At the beginning of my research I mainly focused on his image and the basic elements of Giorgio. 
This made made me feel stuck and a bit clueless into where i was going to take this project as i didn't want it to be an obvious portrait project. After talking to Jamie I realised that i should be looking into more about what Giorgio has done and influenced instead of his apperence.

This is when i started to focus more on Giorgio's influence on electronic disco music and 70's disco culture.

 i never usually use paint or create a full bleed image but i think this worked out well and will be something i will want to experiment with more in the future.

This was one of my influences to do my work in a digital format as i think this made me realise how effective shapes can be digitally.

This image was the starting point for my final work. This was done as paper cut outs but it inspired me to see what this would look like in a digital format which eventually became my final postcards. 

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