Saturday, 11 March 2017

Further character development and final character design.

From my peer review group I learnt that this was a popular character and people thought it would especially work with the trunk moving. I sdeveloped it a little however i still wasn't a big fan it also reminds me a lot of Bar bar the king of elephants.

Here's some development with toning and texture think this looks rather nice to be honest. I also worked on his really really long trunk as an idea.

I was walking through Leeds the other day and on my way i saw i very dozy pigeon crossing a street and nearly getting hit by a car. This gave me an idea. A dozy, gormless bird with lots of feathers. potentially getting hit by a bird or scaring itself.  

I thought that a good gif for this character would be if it had a nasty shock and then revealed this skinny gross naked bird underneath. This might be a challenge to animate however. 

I think this is a good colour choice for my bird it gives it an almost flamingo look to it.
i would like to do the hand drawn one in ink to purposely get an inconstancy with the feathers so it gives it more movement in each frame.

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