Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Giorgio Moroder

I have been familiar with this disco man for a while now, but i never took the time to really look into him. I'm glad i did though, because this guy is as disco as it get's i searched for him on youtube to see if he had any music videos i discovered this gem. This is probably one of the funnest videos on the youtube. It has everything a disco video needs.

  • intense fast synth stuff 
  • sparkly woman that look like stars dancing 
  • lots of weird shapes and colours 
  • occasional shots of Giorgio wearing this crazy silk bomber jacket with what appears to be a beach scene on the back
  • lots and lots and lots of flashing lights.

i have linked it below to show you what i mean.

Giorgio is the pioneer for Italian disco which is seen as more unique form of disco. Which later with giorgios help paved the way for EDM.

He helped shape a 70s italy and really captured the style of what was going on at the time into his songs.

 to create his music he used a lot of complicated synths and moog synths and was obsessed about trying to make the sound of the future and a lot of his work does sound ahead of it's time especially for the 70s.

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